Bad luck doesn't smell (malang tidak berbau). I'm very sure that not many of us yang pernah terlibat dengan kemalangan jalan raya, betul? Sekadar menyumbang kepada kadar kesesakan lalu lintas di kawasan tersebut sebab nak tengok orang accident ada lah. Aktiviti ini dinamakan, Tolong Tengok. But if lah, if you tibe tibe kene langgar or terlanggar kenderaan atau orang perseorangan bukan hakmilik anda, anda tau ke nak buat ape je? Cecite cecite.
Car accidents can be very stressful. So bile stress, kite kentut. Ok tipu, the correct answer would be;
1. Buat cool
Motif? To help you stay in control of the situation.
Bile anda dah chillax,
2. Check orang sebelah, depan, belakang dead or alive?
Move your vehicle to the left, to the left so that you won't get maki for blocking the road. Stay di tempat kejadian, jangan lari! Berlari setempat adalah dibenarkan.
On hazard warning lights to avoid your vehicle getting hit by oncoming traffics. Already fall down, ditimpa tangga pulak.
3. Panggil police
Nak panggil bomba pun boleyyy...
4. Call your insurance company & report the claim
The faster your insurance company knows about the accident, the faster you will get the $$$
5. Tadi buat cool, sekarang buat macam tak bersalah pulak
Do not do group discussions with anyone other than the police and your claims representative. Ikut sunnah artis, "no comment."
6. A/S/L?
Tak kenal maka tak cinta, so write down the name, address, phone number and license numbers for all drivers and witnesses involved in the car accident. Kawan baik, kawan rapat, kawan biase biase, musuh ketat, musuh longgar tak perlu.
Kamal Ruzaini did a "you kiss, you pay" with an Estima
And finally, pesanan penaja buat Kamal Ruzaini:
Pandu dengan cermat, ingatlah orang yang terSAIyang